2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Screwed over by Apple?

Oh I do love this. Apple have come out with another screw to help deter hardware hackers from getting inside MacBooks and iPhone 4s. It’s called a pentalobe, which looks like a Torx screw on first looks, but actually has rounded edges. So what you might say. Well, Apple have been kind enough to uses […]

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Stores still in scope?

I’m still coming across a number of brick and mortar merchants whom have been advised by their QSA to put their store environments into scope of PCI DSS and spend millions of pounds implementing end-point security and network monitoring solutions. Exactly what benefit does this give? Not even high street banks go to this level

Stores still in scope? Read More »

RSA Conference Europe 2010

Fresh back from the conference, an interesting few days, but still came back with the feeling that I was trying to be sold something. Not a problem if I’m brave enough to head to Infosec 2011 as that’s what you’d expect, but where some people would have paid £975 for a conference ticket I’m not

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End to end encryption – the panacea for payment security or just another commodity?

We’re all hearing a lot about end to end encryption as a security solution for the payments industry at the moment. The message that’s been pushed out is that merchants all need to change their PEDs and introduce more recent, encryption-capable models, so that as soon as card details hit the PED, the PED encrypts

End to end encryption – the panacea for payment security or just another commodity? Read More »

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