2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Dear MasterCard, what is a DSE?

Having a poke around recently, it became apparent that there was no clear definition as to what a DSE or a TPP actually ‘is’. Some QSAs have assumed that Third Party Processor (TPP) in effect means ANY payment/transaction service provider and have incorrectly classed entities that service To clarify what a TPP actually is – […]

Dear MasterCard, what is a DSE? Read More »

The Cookie Law

Finally those little snippets of electronic information that websites have left behind on your computer will be subject to EU legislation. Website owners (at least those based in the UK) will need to get consent from visitors in order to store cookies on user’s computers. The revised Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations come into ‘force’

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Advanced Persistent Threats and why being PCI DSS Compliant doesn’t help….

Reading Uri Rivner’s blog this week (http://blogs.rsa.com/rivner/anatomy-of-an-attack/), RSA have been rather brave to disclose how their systems were recently breached. According to Uri, an Excel attachment with embedded Adobe Flash content was sent to a small group of low profile users within RSA, with the title “2011 Recruitment Plan”. At least one user had opened

Advanced Persistent Threats and why being PCI DSS Compliant doesn’t help…. Read More »

Ground Computing

With the ‘advent’ of ‘cloud’ computing, which in real language means outsourcing using a common, shared contract, many companies are putting their data and absolute faith in the hands of third parties, perhaps without performing the exact same level of due diligence as they might should they ‘insource’. Or Ground Computing as I’ve decided to

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