2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Advanced Persistent Threats and why being PCI DSS Compliant doesn’t help….

Reading Uri Rivner’s blog this week (http://blogs.rsa.com/rivner/anatomy-of-an-attack/), RSA have been rather brave to disclose how their systems were recently breached. According to Uri, an Excel attachment with embedded Adobe Flash content was sent to a small group of low profile users within RSA, with the title “2011 Recruitment Plan”. At least one user had opened

Advanced Persistent Threats and why being PCI DSS Compliant doesn’t help…. Read More »

Ground Computing

With the ‘advent’ of ‘cloud’ computing, which in real language means outsourcing using a common, shared contract, many companies are putting their data and absolute faith in the hands of third parties, perhaps without performing the exact same level of due diligence as they might should they ‘insource’. Or Ground Computing as I’ve decided to

Ground Computing Read More »

Infosecurity Europe 2011

It’s no surprise that Infosecurity Europe remains Europe’s No. 1 Information Security Event when there are so many great reasons to attend. Register free to visit and benefit from 3 days of free education, see over 300 vendors and meet with over 12,000 of your peers – all under one roof. The 3 day Keynote

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Play.com warns of customer e-mail security breach

Fresh in the news, Play.com recently warned customers to be “extra vigilant” after a security breach led to the compromise of personal information. No payment card details were understood to have be stolen. “The retailer, which sells music, videos and games, blamed another company that it employs to do marketing.” – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12819330 So we’ve got

Play.com warns of customer e-mail security breach Read More »

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