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LinkedIn breach – the fallout

Since publication of 6.5 million LinkedIN password records by Russian hackers last week, reports have been flooding in of other accounts being subject to unauthorised access.  Where users have used the same email address and password for their LinkedIN account and  other accounts such as eBay, PayPal, Skype, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter and personal email accounts, […]

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LinkedIn hack – the reality

I expect readers have heard about the LinkedIn hack, either in the news, or via an email from LinkedIn with password reset instructions if your account appeared on the leaked list. LinkedIn have now also added salt to their hash, so along with using SHA-1, which is a mathematical algorithm that turns a string of

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European Commission proposes significant reforms of ’95 EU Data Protection Directive

In January, the European Commission proposed significant reforms of the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive.  When these rules were implemented, less than 1% of Europeans used the Internet.  Today, the Internet is a widely-used, powerful tool of commerce.  Massive transfers of data occur between countries, across continents and around the world at the speed of light. Like other EU

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Euronet reports breach at European business

Payment processor Euronet Worldwide Inc said a “small portion” of its European business was the target of a criminal security breach late last year, sending its shares down as much 6 percent… – http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/23/us-euronetworldwide-idUSTRE80M2ET20120123 What’s worrying here that when you’re dealing with a payment processor, even a “small portion” can add up to a huge number

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