2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Where did all the blogs go?

Sorry it’s been a while since you’ve be ingratiated with a 2-sec blog entry. You might have noticed recent UK press legislation that was put in place following the phone hacking scandal, that appeared to be ubiquitous and spanning all kinds of publishing media. I did at some point work out if I could actually […]

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The Bit9 incident

We see in the news another example of cyber criminals successfully stealing a private certificate and using it to their nefarious advantage. In this instance, cyber criminals allegedly exploited perimeter defences and web application security to gain access to one of Bit9’s private certificates – https://blog.bit9.com/2013/02/08/bit9-and-our-customers-security/. A private certificate is used to sign an encryption key,

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PCI DSS governance

PCI DSS 12.5 “Assign to an individual or team the following information  security management responsibilities” is not just about putting somebody’s name down to pass an audit and us QSAs are clamping down hard on those whom pay governance lip service, then forget about it for a year until the next audit is due. Even in smaller

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