2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Your data’s safe with us…

I was visiting an airline site today, and when prompted to enter my credit card details to book the flight, and whether or not I wanted to store my card details for future transactions, saw the note: “It’s safer to store your payment card details in our secure vault than it is to send them […]

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The PCI SSC vs the US Congress

The general manager of the PCI SSC, Bob Russo, and CTO Troy Leach were recently invited to present to the US Congress, on the subcommittee “Protecting Consumer Information: Can Data Breaches be Prevented?”. Their statements can be found here: https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/140202_PCI_SSC.pdf https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/HMTG-113-IF17-Wstate-RussoB-20140205.pdf Whilst the statements did a good job at supporting the PCI SSC and its

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Latest data breach!!

Tragedy strikes yet again as a major retailer cannot account for over a million cardholder data records. If that last sentence still got your attention, then you are probably one of few that still finds data breaches and the over-the-top media response interesting. It only seems like a few days pass, and then we hear

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