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The CISO, the CIO, the CEO, or you: Who is really responsible for cybersecurity? Tim Holman speaking to ZDNet

The security threat continues to grow and IT leaders struggle to deal with an ever-increasing danger. Yet the cyber threat, however significant, only forms one element of corporate security. So who should be responsible for security and how can businesses adopt a more proactive stance to the threats they face? Five IT experts give their views. […]

The CISO, the CIO, the CEO, or you: Who is really responsible for cybersecurity? Tim Holman speaking to ZDNet Read More »

How cyber-vigilantes catch paedophiles and terrorists lurking in the dark web – Tim Holman in the International Business Times

Buying cocaine or heroin has never been easier. Neither has finding a contract killer, joining an extremist group or viewing extreme pornography. The Deep Web – the dark underbelly of the internet – is growing and allowing users to surf beneath the ordinary surface web with almost complete anonymity. The GCHQ and FBI are constantly

How cyber-vigilantes catch paedophiles and terrorists lurking in the dark web – Tim Holman in the International Business Times Read More »

Apply Internal Security Rules to Third Parties – Tim Holman writing for ComputerWeekly.com

The best way to expand identity and access management (IAM) to third-party service providers is to treat a third party like an extension of your own company. All staff working for a third-party service provider, who have access to your systems or data, should have a unique user account and password. They should adhere to

Apply Internal Security Rules to Third Parties – Tim Holman writing for ComputerWeekly.com Read More »

Many Organisations Attach Little Value to CISOs – Tim Holman in SC UK Magazine

The continuing rift between IT security professionals and ‘the business’ has been highlighted by a new study that shows many organisations still attach little value to cyber security – even though they know the threat is growing. The Turnkey Consulting survey finds that one in six IT security pros believe their organisation sees security merely

Many Organisations Attach Little Value to CISOs – Tim Holman in SC UK Magazine Read More »

Queen’s website hosts controversial canvas fingerprinting tracking technique – Tim Holman in SC UK Magazine

Advertising tracking called ‘canvas fingerprinting’ is used on many websites and identifies unique individuals and their browsing habits and works surreptitiously. The privacy threat presented by a new web-user tracking technique called ‘canvas fingerprinting’ has been highlighted after researchers found it being used on prestigious sites such as the US White House and the official

Queen’s website hosts controversial canvas fingerprinting tracking technique – Tim Holman in SC UK Magazine Read More »

The Dos and Don’ts of a Good Cyber Incident Response Plan – Tim Holman on Computer Weekly.com

First up, there has to be a security incident plan. At ISSA UK we see plenty of organisations without any incident response plan at all in place, and that means they could find themselves over-exposed when a cyber security incident does happen. Without a proper incident response plan in place, what happens to such organisations is

The Dos and Don’ts of a Good Cyber Incident Response Plan – Tim Holman on Computer Weekly.com Read More »

UK Lords slams EU ruling on “right to be forgotten” – Tim Holman in SC UK Magazine

A committee sitting in the UK’s House of Lords has said that the EU’s ruling on the ‘right to be forgotten’, which requires companies to delete data on request where appropriate, is ‘unworkable’. The Lords Home Affairs EU Sub-Committee today ruled that the “right to be forgotten” is difficult to implement and that it should

UK Lords slams EU ruling on “right to be forgotten” – Tim Holman in SC UK Magazine Read More »