2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

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2-sec’s expert team uncovers new vulnerability in popular Synology NAS device

An interesting external penetration test was recently performed by our expert team, that resulted in discovery of a new vulnerability (CVE-2017-9553) in a popular Synology NAS device. A NAS (Network Attached Storage) device is a storage mechanism connected to a network that allows storage and retrieval of data from a centralized location for authorized network […]

2-sec’s expert team uncovers new vulnerability in popular Synology NAS device Read More »

It’s happening again: a vicious malware attack is expanding across Europe, using the same tricks as WannaCry.

Only a month after WannaCry, a new malware attack is spreading like wildfire across Europe, India, Russia and is definitely heading towards America. A variant of the Petya/Petrwrap malware virus has already affected companies in Spain, France and the UK. Symantec has confirmed the ransomware is using EternalBlue, the same exploit as last month’s WannaCry

It’s happening again: a vicious malware attack is expanding across Europe, using the same tricks as WannaCry. Read More »

Wanna Cry. Our analysis.

Ransomware has been a recognised issue for some time, however to date, perhaps only one or two systems in a company might have become infected by the wayward clicks of a bored receptionist. Ransomware has rarely been a business-critical issue. Wanna Cry changed that. Not only did it infect single machines, as classic ransomware does,

Wanna Cry. Our analysis. Read More »

$100 million whaling scam: A “wake up call” for even the most sophisticated firms.

Last month, the papers reported that two major US technology firms were deceived by Evaldas Rimasauskas, a Lithuanian criminal, into sending him $100 million through an email whaling scam. It has just been confirmed that Google and Facebook were the two companies that were the victims of this scam.  The two companies did not confirm

$100 million whaling scam: A “wake up call” for even the most sophisticated firms. Read More »

Almost half of UK firms hit by cyber breach or attack in the past year

The latest Government report on UK business cyber security has landed, and it does not make pleasant reading. The Cyber Breaches Survey is part of the Government’s five-year National Cyber Security Strategy to transform the UK’s cyber security and to protect businesses online. The depressing bit… The report reveals that almost half of UK firms (46%)

Almost half of UK firms hit by cyber breach or attack in the past year Read More »

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