2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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2-sec in The Telegraph – our cyber security director talking data access and data breaches

 Luke Vile – our Cyber Security Operations Director has been featured in The Telegraph. He was speaking to Oliver Pickup, Telegraph journalist. The article content is included below.   Do staff have too much data access and what should a company do if a breach has been detected? How securely are today’s businesses treating all […]

2-sec in The Telegraph – our cyber security director talking data access and data breaches Read More »

2-sec in The Times – our director speaking on big data, tech firms and Government regulation

If you managed to grab The Times today you will see that our Director, Luke Vile, commented on an article  discussing big data/tech firms and Government regulation. Full text as follows: In August, Ms Rudd was dispatched to Silicon Valley, where the biggest tech giants roam, and attended the inaugural meeting of the Global Internet

2-sec in The Times – our director speaking on big data, tech firms and Government regulation Read More »

Don’t use the Equifax example: How you SHOULD communicate a data breach

Another day, another data breach and yet another apology. After hackers stole private data of Equifax’s 143 million customers (including data from 400,000 UK residents), their new CEO Paulino do Rego Barros Jr, wrote an open letter that was published by the Wall Street Journal on 27 September. “On behalf of Equifax, I want to express my sincere

Don’t use the Equifax example: How you SHOULD communicate a data breach Read More »

Expert admits that his password advice was wrong. So how should you choose a password?

It’s not easy to admit to getting it wrong, but that’s what Bill Burr did in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal. Back in 2003, as an advisor for the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Burr recommended irregular capitalisation, special characters and numerals in our passwords; such as wHyWeN3edP4s5w0rd5. Burr

Expert admits that his password advice was wrong. So how should you choose a password? Read More »

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