2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Stores still in scope?

I’m still coming across a number of brick and mortar merchants whom have been advised by their QSA to put their store environments into scope of PCI DSS and spend millions of pounds implementing end-point security and network monitoring solutions. Exactly what benefit does this give? Not even high street banks go to this level

Stores still in scope? Read More »

End to end encryption – the panacea for payment security or just another commodity?

We’re all hearing a lot about end to end encryption as a security solution for the payments industry at the moment. The message that’s been pushed out is that merchants all need to change their PEDs and introduce more recent, encryption-capable models, so that as soon as card details hit the PED, the PED encrypts

End to end encryption – the panacea for payment security or just another commodity? Read More »

PCI DSS 2.0 has landed

I’m sure most of you would have already seen this, namely a document that summarises the upcoming changes to PCI DSS and what’s going to be in Version 2.0: https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/pdfs/summary_of_changes_highlights.pdf Official pre-release with Participating Organizations will happen early September, with release to Merchants, Service Providers and QSAs at the end of October. Yes, that’s right.

PCI DSS 2.0 has landed Read More »

Visa CodeSure has landed

Visa CodeSure has hit the market. These are cards with built in alpha-numeric displays that allow one-time passcodes to be used in conjunction with a PIN to secure online transactions: The first challenge must be replacing the 1.4bn Visa cards already out there, the second being – will it really work and how long will

Visa CodeSure has landed Read More »

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