2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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EICAR – the anti-virus testfile

If you’re hitting section 5.1.1 of PCI DSS and want to verify that all anti-virus programs detect, remove, and protect against all known types of malicious software (for example, viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, adware, and rootkits), then what do you do? How do you test anti-virus software actually works? I’ve been using the EICAR test

EICAR – the anti-virus testfile Read More »

SSL Labs

What a great little tool to help verify SSL configurations. If you’re working through PCI DSS and hit section 4.1a, then www.ssllabs.com does a grand job at ensuring your SSL configuration is inline with security best practice. Still not too convinced that I need to ‘sample’ some HTTPS network traffic to make sure it’s actually

SSL Labs Read More »

PCI DSS Prioritized Approach v2.0

Version 2.0 of the Prioritized Approach has been released and is available for download at www.pcisecuritystandards.org. So what’s moved? A number of controls have been moved from milestones 5/6 to milestones 2/4: 9.1 – Physical Access 10.5 – Audit Trail Integrity 11.1 – Wireless Scans 12.5.3 / 12.9 – Incident Response Plan 11.3 – Penetration

PCI DSS Prioritized Approach v2.0 Read More »

Dear MasterCard, what is a DSE?

Having a poke around recently, it became apparent that there was no clear definition as to what a DSE or a TPP actually ‘is’. Some QSAs have assumed that Third Party Processor (TPP) in effect means ANY payment/transaction service provider and have incorrectly classed entities that service To clarify what a TPP actually is –

Dear MasterCard, what is a DSE? Read More »

Advanced Persistent Threats and why being PCI DSS Compliant doesn’t help….

Reading Uri Rivner’s blog this week (http://blogs.rsa.com/rivner/anatomy-of-an-attack/), RSA have been rather brave to disclose how their systems were recently breached. According to Uri, an Excel attachment with embedded Adobe Flash content was sent to a small group of low profile users within RSA, with the title “2011 Recruitment Plan”. At least one user had opened

Advanced Persistent Threats and why being PCI DSS Compliant doesn’t help…. Read More »

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