2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

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Information Security & ISO 27001

European Commission proposes significant reforms of ’95 EU Data Protection Directive

In January, the European Commission proposed significant reforms of the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive.  When these rules were implemented, less than 1% of Europeans used the Internet.  Today, the Internet is a widely-used, powerful tool of commerce.  Massive transfers of data occur between countries, across continents and around the world at the speed of light. Like other EU

European Commission proposes significant reforms of ’95 EU Data Protection Directive Read More »

The Cookie Law

Finally those little snippets of electronic information that websites have left behind on your computer will be subject to EU legislation. Website owners (at least those based in the UK) will need to get consent from visitors in order to store cookies on user’s computers. The revised Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations come into ‘force’

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Ground Computing

With the ‘advent’ of ‘cloud’ computing, which in real language means outsourcing using a common, shared contract, many companies are putting their data and absolute faith in the hands of third parties, perhaps without performing the exact same level of due diligence as they might should they ‘insource’. Or Ground Computing as I’ve decided to

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Infosecurity Europe 2011

It’s no surprise that Infosecurity Europe remains Europe’s No. 1 Information Security Event when there are so many great reasons to attend. Register free to visit and benefit from 3 days of free education, see over 300 vendors and meet with over 12,000 of your peers – all under one roof. The 3 day Keynote

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Anti Social Media

At the Information Security Leaders conference yesterday, aside from the gang war outside, an interesting debate arose around consumerisation in the workplace. Both Bring-Your-Own and Social Media concepts were wrapped together and addressed by an expert panel. Taking a few steps back, company owners, directors or management have pretty much insisted that employees get free

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Kinfe crime

It saddened me to leave the Information Security Leaders conference today, not because of the range of content, speakers and education available, but for a group of about 20-30 youths chasing a smaller group down Northumberland Avenue – about 4pm in full day light. Once the crowds had dispersed, a young man was lying in

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