2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Information Security & ISO 27001

Is Microsoft Azure PCI DSS Compliant? Lessons in due diligence….

I’ve been busy assessing a Microsoft Azure environment as of late, for PCI DSS purposes. So. I go here to download their AoC: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/support/trust-center/compliance/pci-dss/ The date of the AoC is December 31, 2014, and a number of requirements have been “Not Tested”, identified as “N/A” and Compensating Controls have been applied. I guess that’s fair

Is Microsoft Azure PCI DSS Compliant? Lessons in due diligence…. Read More »

Cyber Terrorism and the Development of Cyber Attacks – Chris Phillips, Head of Physical Security at 2-sec

Chris Phillips, Head of Physical Security at 2-sec, talks to us about cyber terrorism and the development of cyber attacks aimed at UK businesses. Chris explains why companies need penetration testing as part of a robust cyber security system. Chris explains how the terrorist threat to UK businesses has changed over the past few years.

Cyber Terrorism and the Development of Cyber Attacks – Chris Phillips, Head of Physical Security at 2-sec Read More »

#Infosec15 – Dr Emma Philpott talks to 2-sec about the Cyber Security Challenges facing SMEs.

Dr Emma Philpott met up with 2-sec CEO Tim Holman at the recent Infosec Expo at Olympia in London. Emma is CEO of the IASME Consortium as well as Founder and Manager of the UK Cyber Security Forum.  Emma spoke to Tim about IASME (the information assurance management standard for small companies) as well as

#Infosec15 – Dr Emma Philpott talks to 2-sec about the Cyber Security Challenges facing SMEs. Read More »

A single cyber attack can cost thousands in damage: why your business needs penetration testing.

PENETRATION TESTING Cyber-crime costs UK businesses up to £22 bn each year (source: The Cost of Cybercrime, the Cabinet Office). The number of cyber-attacks is also increasing year on year, and both small and larger businesses are being targeted by criminals for their sensitive data and supplier and client information. Penetration testing is the key

A single cyber attack can cost thousands in damage: why your business needs penetration testing. Read More »

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