2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Business Continuity & ISO 22301

Cyber Rescue Plan

The Cyber Rescue Plan has been put together to offer a unique approach to Cyber Security Transformation, covering major Cyber Risks and Common Vulnerabilities, and presenting both a Unified Threat Report and Cyber Rescue Plan to your Company.   Cyber Plan on demand services: Business, Legal and Privacy Impact Analysis Cyber Incident Response Penetration Testing,

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Supplier Due Diligence – do your existing suppliers take security seriously?

Supplier Due Diligence – do your existing suppliers take security seriously? As businesses become more reliant upon their suppliers within the digital age, it is essential that these relationships are reviewed and monitored to ensure security is being addressed and improved. Companies conducting new business will usually put their new suppliers through a vigorous due

Supplier Due Diligence – do your existing suppliers take security seriously? Read More »

5 ways to better brief your board on cyber security

Board members are becoming increasingly inquisitive about the state of cyber security in their organisations. The statutory requirements of directors to be aware of security risks is growing across the globe, which reflects the increasing frequency of incidents which can significantly affect share-price, brand and reputation, as well as shareholder confidence. Board members, non-executive directors

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2-sec in The Times – our director speaking on big data, tech firms and Government regulation

If you managed to grab The Times today you will see that our Director, Luke Vile, commented on an article  discussing big data/tech firms and Government regulation. Full text as follows: In August, Ms Rudd was dispatched to Silicon Valley, where the biggest tech giants roam, and attended the inaugural meeting of the Global Internet

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How to increase your business resilience

Resilience is a buzz word in board rooms in the UK at the moment; but for a VERY good reason. Control Risks, the heavyweight global business risk consultancy, recently published a survey on the “The State of Enterprise Resilience” for 2016-17. [The State of Enterprise Resilience Survey 2016/7 – https://www.controlrisks.com/en/services/security-risk/the-state-of-enterprise-resilience-survey-2016-2017]  They explain business resilience as “an organisation

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