2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

3 of the biggest cyber and information security risks to businesses

When asked about cyber and information security risks to the business, most think about the technical controls against cybercrime: making sure the IT team has protections such as firewalls and patch management in place; making sure password protection and BYOD policies are implemented. Consideration can be expanded to the physical security of your building and

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Achieving CREST Cyber Essentials

What is Cyber Essentials The Cyber Essentials scheme helps organisations protect themselves against common online threats and demonstrate commitment to cyber security. This isn’t just for technology companies. It is for any sector and any organisation that wants to better protect its business. CREST is an approved Accreditation Body under the UK Government Cyber Essentials scheme. This scheme

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5 ways to better brief your board on cyber security

Board members are becoming increasingly inquisitive about the state of cyber security in their organisations. The statutory requirements of directors to be aware of security risks is growing across the globe, which reflects the increasing frequency of incidents which can significantly affect share-price, brand and reputation, as well as shareholder confidence. Board members, non-executive directors

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Business answers about compliance for the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The deadline for the GDPR is less than 2 months away. On the 25 May 2018 compliance for the new regulations will be expected from all businesses. The ICO is providing regular updates on its website to help businesses. However, whilst many companies are preparing for this, there are still some common concerns that we are

Business answers about compliance for the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Read More »

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