2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

Cyber Security Consulting

Introduction to Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing, Pen Testing, Red Teaming, Security Assessment, IT Health Check and Ethical Hacking are common phrases that describe what we do, that ultimately all mean the same thing – whether or not a determined adversary can gain unauthorised access to your systems. This can be further broken down into Black, Grey and White box

Introduction to Penetration Testing Read More »

Supplier Due Diligence – do your existing suppliers take security seriously?

Supplier Due Diligence – do your existing suppliers take security seriously? As businesses become more reliant upon their suppliers within the digital age, it is essential that these relationships are reviewed and monitored to ensure security is being addressed and improved. Companies conducting new business will usually put their new suppliers through a vigorous due

Supplier Due Diligence – do your existing suppliers take security seriously? Read More »

2|SEC Consulting are a Strategic Sponsor of the 19th PCI London event in July 2019

2|SEC Consulting are a Strategic Sponsor of the 19th PCI London event in July 2019, where you can hear from our experts through our keynote presentation and meet the team. For over 20 years, AKJ Associates has provided exclusive networking events for senior security stakeholders and service suppliers around the globe. The 19th PCI London will look at the latest in the processes and technologies used to

2|SEC Consulting are a Strategic Sponsor of the 19th PCI London event in July 2019 Read More »

Equifax is charged the largest fine yet by the ICO for its data breach

The largest fine to date of £500,000 has been charged by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to Equifax for its data breach. The loss of personal data has affected 15 million Britons. The cyber-attack was carried out in 2017 which means it does not come under the more recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However,

Equifax is charged the largest fine yet by the ICO for its data breach Read More »

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