2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

Stay on top of the latest news and updates to stay ahead of the latest threats

Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

Everybody’s Business

Welcome to “Everybody’s Business”, 2-sec’s new Cyber Security blog series. As vaccinations hopefully begin to pave the way out of lockdown later this year, we’ve taken inspiration from the Build Back Better movement and decided to ask a couple of industry thought leaders for their top Cyber tips on how to bounce back better and

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Cyber Security Disasters of 2020

Twitter Breach 130 high-profile Twitter accounts were hacked in July, including those of Bill Gates, Elon Mask and Jeff Bezos. This was allegedly masterminded by a 17-year old boy in Florida, whom monetised the hack by asking thousands of their Twitter followers for Bitcoins. The attack was planned on Discord, a popular messaging application, and

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Cyber Rescue Plan

The Cyber Rescue Plan has been put together to offer a unique approach to Cyber Security Transformation, covering major Cyber Risks and Common Vulnerabilities, and presenting both a Unified Threat Report and Cyber Rescue Plan to your Company.   Cyber Plan on demand services: Business, Legal and Privacy Impact Analysis Cyber Incident Response Penetration Testing,

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FREE Cyber Security Health Check

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