2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

ISSA-UK Dragon’s Den Event, HMS President – Thursday July 11th 2013

ISSA-UK Dragon’s Den Testing Times: Managing Vulnerabilities in Complex Systems HMS President, River Thames, London, United Kingdom Thursday 11th July, 2013 (5 CPEs) Register Here This year’s Dragon’s Den event will be looking at ways to help bring the gap between emerging vulnerabilities/threats and the ever increasing complexity of systems, both of which are taking an

ISSA-UK Dragon’s Den Event, HMS President – Thursday July 11th 2013 Read More »

PCI DSS vs Operating Regulations

I came across an interesting interpretation of PCI DSS recently, whereby a Merchant thought that just because they had been assessed compliant against PCI DSS, then all assessed payment channels also met the security requirements of Visa Operating Regulations. SAQ-C-VT (Virtual Terminal) is a standard that can be used to assess card-not-present and card-present transactions

PCI DSS vs Operating Regulations Read More »

The Big Debate: Are you making the right decisions to secure your code?

Our CEO and ISSA-UK President Tim Holman will be speaking at Coverity’s Big Debate in London on Wednesday 3rd July. Event Location: The Brewery, 52 Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4SD Date / Time: Wednesday 3rd July 18.30 – 22.00. Drinks and canapés from 18.30, with debate taking place around 20.00 Details: Security breaches make headline news and

The Big Debate: Are you making the right decisions to secure your code? Read More »

May 2013 Newsletter

Shorts are on, sandals brushed down and summer is here! Unfortunately for us QSAs, someone had a bright idea of issuing a June deadline for both Level 1 and Level 2 Merchant PCI DSS Compliance and summer tends to be the busiest time of the year for us. We are also busy making suggestions and improvements

May 2013 Newsletter Read More »

Where did all the blogs go?

Sorry it’s been a while since you’ve be ingratiated with a 2-sec blog entry. You might have noticed recent UK press legislation that was put in place following the phone hacking scandal, that appeared to be ubiquitous and spanning all kinds of publishing media. I did at some point work out if I could actually

Where did all the blogs go? Read More »

The Bit9 incident

We see in the news another example of cyber criminals successfully stealing a private certificate and using it to their nefarious advantage. In this instance, cyber criminals allegedly exploited perimeter defences and web application security to gain access to one of Bit9’s private certificates – https://blog.bit9.com/2013/02/08/bit9-and-our-customers-security/. A private certificate is used to sign an encryption key,

The Bit9 incident Read More »

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