2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

Our CEO and ISSA-UK President, Tim Holman, stands for position on the ISSA International Board

Our very own Chapter President, Tim Holman, will be standing for a Director position on the ISSA International Board.  Elections kick off on the 2nd June 2014, and of course he and ISSA-UK would appreciate your support when voting opens on June 2 2014. Tim’s goals are set out in his nomination, that follows: Biography

Our CEO and ISSA-UK President, Tim Holman, stands for position on the ISSA International Board Read More »

Yet another Infosec goes by…

We’ve just got back into the office following a busy week at Infosec 2014, where we spent 3 days catching up, networking, manning the stand and listening to the odd talk. I had the joys of speaking at one of the new “silent conferences”.  Due to the acoustic issues of running several speaking sessions in

Yet another Infosec goes by… Read More »

Windows XP has left the building…

The UK government and some other large organisations have recently procured Windows XP support extension packages from Microsoft.  HMG in this instance have committed a £5.5m budget to ensure that future security vulnerabilities will be addressed and patched.  And that’s money they might not even have needed to spend. HMG will not be permitted to

Windows XP has left the building… Read More »

Heartbleed’s ripping trust apart, but CERT-UK remains silent

Tim was recently interviewed by SC Magazine as to his views on the Heartbleed issue.  The newly formed CERT-UK seems to be doing very little to protect small businesses, and vulnerability researchers have favoured the bigger firms with plenty of advance warning.  Vulnerabilities of this nature cripple e-commerce, and with the UK supposedly leading the

Heartbleed’s ripping trust apart, but CERT-UK remains silent Read More »

The Heartbleed Bug

The recently publicised OpenSSL vulnerability has sent shock waves around the security community.  Servers can’t keep up with user password changes and certificate authorities worldwide have been clogged up with paranoid sysadmins requesting new HTTPS key pairs.  Whilst the server side fix is quick, the end user impact is huge, with many not being tech

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