2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

A single cyber attack can cost thousands in damage: why your business needs penetration testing.

PENETRATION TESTING Cyber-crime costs UK businesses up to £22 bn each year (source: The Cost of Cybercrime, the Cabinet Office). The number of cyber-attacks is also increasing year on year, and both small and larger businesses are being targeted by criminals for their sensitive data and supplier and client information. Penetration testing is the key

A single cyber attack can cost thousands in damage: why your business needs penetration testing. Read More »

Cybersecurity spending: How to know when enough is enough – Tim Holman in ZD-Net

Such is the cybersecurity threat that it would, in theory, be possible for CIOs to dedicate most of their IT budget to building impregnable defences. Consultant PWC reports that the average large business spent about $10.8m on information security during 2014. Analyst Gartner, meanwhile, estimates that the average company allocates about five per cent of

Cybersecurity spending: How to know when enough is enough – Tim Holman in ZD-Net Read More »

#CyberCaliphate hacks CENTCOM’s social media – how to stop cyber hacks against your social media!

At first, It seems more embarrassing that damaging, that the United States Central Command, (better known as CENTCOM) has been hacked by pro-jihadi sympathisers.  CENTCOM is responsible for US military operations in the Middle East and for a while its Twitter account showed the image “I love you ISIS” whilst tweets expressed sympathy for ISIS

#CyberCaliphate hacks CENTCOM’s social media – how to stop cyber hacks against your social media! Read More »

The CISO, the CIO, the CEO, or you: Who is really responsible for cybersecurity? Tim Holman speaking to ZDNet

The security threat continues to grow and IT leaders struggle to deal with an ever-increasing danger. Yet the cyber threat, however significant, only forms one element of corporate security. So who should be responsible for security and how can businesses adopt a more proactive stance to the threats they face? Five IT experts give their views.

The CISO, the CIO, the CEO, or you: Who is really responsible for cybersecurity? Tim Holman speaking to ZDNet Read More »

How cyber-vigilantes catch paedophiles and terrorists lurking in the dark web – Tim Holman in the International Business Times

Buying cocaine or heroin has never been easier. Neither has finding a contract killer, joining an extremist group or viewing extreme pornography. The Deep Web – the dark underbelly of the internet – is growing and allowing users to surf beneath the ordinary surface web with almost complete anonymity. The GCHQ and FBI are constantly

How cyber-vigilantes catch paedophiles and terrorists lurking in the dark web – Tim Holman in the International Business Times Read More »

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