2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

#Infosec15 – Dr Emma Philpott talks to 2-sec about the Cyber Security Challenges facing SMEs.

Dr Emma Philpott met up with 2-sec CEO Tim Holman at the recent Infosec Expo at Olympia in London. Emma is CEO of the IASME Consortium as well as Founder and Manager of the UK Cyber Security Forum.  Emma spoke to Tim about IASME (the information assurance management standard for small companies) as well as

#Infosec15 – Dr Emma Philpott talks to 2-sec about the Cyber Security Challenges facing SMEs. Read More »

The Hacking Attack Golden Hour: Why do UK businesses need to react to threats within 60 minutes?

A recent report written by Enterprise Strategy Group (and commissioned by Intel Security), reveals slow responses to cyber-attacks from UK enterprises are leaving companies vulnerable to targeted online crime. This research is one of the latest attempts to persuade IT users to check their defences against cyber-threats and equally importantly to make some investments into dealing with

The Hacking Attack Golden Hour: Why do UK businesses need to react to threats within 60 minutes? Read More »

The Hatton Garden’s Heist – how did the Security Team get it so wrong?

Chris Phillips heads up 2-sec’s Physical Security Consulting Practice and is ex-head of NaCTSO, the UK’s National Counter Terrorism Security Office. He provides his own expert view below on the jewellery heist, the failings of the Hatton Gardens physical security team and what should have been done to prevent the attack. The audacious Hatton Gardens

The Hatton Garden’s Heist – how did the Security Team get it so wrong? Read More »

PoSeidon Malware – the solution is to take credit card data AWAY from PoS systems

Researchers with Cisco’s Talos Security Intelligence and Research Group have identified a new point-of-sale (POS) malware family – referred to as ‘PoSeidon’ – that takes steps to maintain persistence and also has mechanisms for updating.  The new malware targets POS systems, scrapes the memory of infected machines for payment card information, and exfiltrates the data to servers

PoSeidon Malware – the solution is to take credit card data AWAY from PoS systems Read More »

ISSA WIS SIG Webinar: Opening Doors for Women in the Information Security Field

Save the Date for ISSA’s Women in Security SIG webinar on the theme State of Women in the Information Security Field! 6th April 2015 – 4pm EST, 1pm PST, 9pm BST Please click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Speaker: Keirsten Williams: Data Security Analyst-PCI Compliance, Conn’s HomePlus

ISSA WIS SIG Webinar: Opening Doors for Women in the Information Security Field Read More »

Debate on the New Guidance from PCI Council – does it go far enough?

The PCI Security Standards Council has released brand new guidance to advise businesses how they should use penetration testing to identify network vulnerabilities that could be exploited for malicious activity. However, a recent article has been published online by  BankInfoSecurity.com (BIS) that appeared to flag up a difference of opinion as to the effectiveness of the new guidance. Whilst one

Debate on the New Guidance from PCI Council – does it go far enough? Read More »

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