2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

Stay on top of the latest news and updates to stay ahead of the latest threats

Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

2-sec Proud to have joined the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Supplier list

2-sec are thrilled to announce that we have been accepted on to the Crown Commercial Service (CCS). The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has brought together Government’s central commercial capability into a single organisation, amalgamating Government Procurement Service with other commercial teams from the Cabinet Office and central government departments. The CCS goal is to become

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Scotland launch Cyber Resilience Voucher Scheme

£1,500 Cyber Security Voucher available for Scottish businesses This scheme aims to support companies to improve their knowledge, understanding and strategy towards handling cyber security and protecting valuable information for the company.  An award of up to £1,500 is available to businesses in Scotland to help them check their current systems meet the Cyber Essentials UK Government Standard.

Scotland launch Cyber Resilience Voucher Scheme Read More »

Top Cyber Threats

Not Another Top X List The ol’ interweb is permanently awash these days with “Top X This” and “Y Most Something Else” lists, so why should this blog be any different? Well partly because we’re professionals and not clickbait, but, as anyone who has read a few of my blogs for 2-sec will likely know

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Records and Government Databases

The Old Title Holders Way back in June 2015 a breach of the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) was being described as “among the largest breaches of government data in the history of the US”. At the time it was estimated that records of around 18 million people had been targeted, although that estimate

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The Modern CISO

How big do you think the gap is between a typical CISO and their CEO? Is that gap shrinking (as cyber security becomes more of an accepted and everyday business concept), or is it growing wider as scaremongers rush with overly-technical business cases and presentations that alienate board members? Last month I met a Chief Information Security Officer

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