2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

Stay on top of the latest news and updates to stay ahead of the latest threats

Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

Top 3 Cyber Security Questions

Three Cyber Security questions that flummox 95% of businesses These days there is generally a high degree of awareness about cyber security within most businesses. Largely thanks to several high-profile breaches and rising government regulation, cyber security is often discussed at levels within large companies. However, despite this upward trend there are several questions that

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Vote for 2-sec!

2-sec Nominated for Security Service Provider of the Year award   We are thrilled to announce we have been nominated for the Security Service Provider of the Year Award in the Computing Security Awards. It takes less than 1 minute to place your vote. Click here, enter your details, then scroll down to the Security Service Provider

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2-sec become members of the IWF

We are pleased to announce that we have become members of the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF). The IWF is the UK internet Hotline for anyone to report their exposure to online child sexual abuse imagery hosted anywhere in the world, non-photographic child sexual abuse images and criminally obscene adult content hosted in the UK. Members

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2-sec News

We have had a busy first couple of weeks in July and wanted to update you all with a couple of exciting bits of news! Firstly we have reached the dizzy heights of Tower 42! Well not that dizzy… as we are only on the 7th floor of the 42 at the site, but even that

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CISO Priorities Q3-Q4

Over the past 90 days 2-SEC has met with many leading CIOs and CISOs to discuss where they see developing trends in cyber security. Whilst many said they had seen huge improvements across the industry over the last year, there were five trends that over 90% saw as both developing as well as significantly alarming: A lack of board understanding. Whilst many

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