2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Author name: dbarber@truelocalonlinemarketing.com

Don’t use the Equifax example: How you SHOULD communicate a data breach

Another day, another data breach and yet another apology. After hackers stole private data of Equifax’s 143 million customers (including data from 400,000 UK residents), their new CEO Paulino do Rego Barros Jr, wrote an open letter that was published by the Wall Street Journal on 27 September. “On behalf of Equifax, I want to express my sincere

Don’t use the Equifax example: How you SHOULD communicate a data breach Read More »

Expert admits that his password advice was wrong. So how should you choose a password?

It’s not easy to admit to getting it wrong, but that’s what Bill Burr did in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal. Back in 2003, as an advisor for the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Burr recommended irregular capitalisation, special characters and numerals in our passwords; such as wHyWeN3edP4s5w0rd5. Burr

Expert admits that his password advice was wrong. So how should you choose a password? Read More »

2-sec’s expert team uncovers new vulnerability in popular Synology NAS device

An interesting external penetration test was recently performed by our expert team, that resulted in discovery of a new vulnerability (CVE-2017-9553) in a popular Synology NAS device. A NAS (Network Attached Storage) device is a storage mechanism connected to a network that allows storage and retrieval of data from a centralized location for authorized network

2-sec’s expert team uncovers new vulnerability in popular Synology NAS device Read More »

It’s happening again: a vicious malware attack is expanding across Europe, using the same tricks as WannaCry.

Only a month after WannaCry, a new malware attack is spreading like wildfire across Europe, India, Russia and is definitely heading towards America. A variant of the Petya/Petrwrap malware virus has already affected companies in Spain, France and the UK. Symantec has confirmed the ransomware is using EternalBlue, the same exploit as last month’s WannaCry

It’s happening again: a vicious malware attack is expanding across Europe, using the same tricks as WannaCry. Read More »

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